5 on Friday: Books!

These are my top 5 favourite books of all time. I've probably done this one before, but I don't care, I'm doing it again!


The Harry Potter Saga - J. K. Rowling

I grew up with Harry Potter. I was in grade 6 when the first book came out. I didn't read it immediately. I wasn't really a reader at that time, and there was quite a bit of fuss about it in my church. I think I read the first book in grade 8. I'm not sure why, but I imagine it had something to do with the fact that my friends all read Harry Potter, and the first movie came out around that time. I was hooked. The last book came out when I was in university, and the final movie came out the year after I finished university. I went to that movie with a friend from work and cried like a little baby. This was a huge part of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Luna tried to eat the Deathly Hallows
I've read the book series about 7 times, and I will so many more times in my life. I find something I didn't know was in there every time I read them. I highly recommend reading them, if you haven't. The first two are quick reads, and the really interesting things start happening in book 3. Read them!!


A Song of Ice and Fire Series - George R. R. Martin

Well of course this has to be on my list. It took me a really long time to read the 5 books that are actually out in this series, but it's a really great. Book 4 is rather tedious, but necessary. Casey and I are rather obsessed with this series, though he hasn't read it. The TV show is great as well. Just don't get attached to ANY of the characters!


The Women of the Otherworld Series - Kelley Armstrong

First of all, Canadian author!! 

This series is fantastic, with a great story line. She even has several short stories so you can keep reading about the characters, even when you're done the series. 

Also, they're making this into a series as well. It's called Bitten, and it's already in season two! 


Almost anything by Dan Brown.

I really like his style of writing. I'm not sure why, but I get so caught up in his characters I can barely stand to put the book down! I just have to say one thing, and that is I didn't care for Inferno. There, it's out there. Sorry Dan Brown! It wasn't that great! I loved Robert Langdon too. Just not that book.

Deception Point and Digital Fortress were both great too, but often overlooked because they're not part of the Robert Langdon series.


To finish this list off, it's what I'm reading right now:

The Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon

It's another looooong and sometimes tedious series to read, but I'm in love with the characters so I don't want to stop. Currently working on A Dragonfly in Amber, which is book two in the series. I've got a long way to go!


  1. I'm reading through the Outlander series too, I just started The Fiery Cross (#5 I think) yesterday. Such great books!! I am so in love with Jamie :)

  2. I need to start reading the Dragonfly In Amber (#2). We read Outlander for book club and I really enjoyed it. Have you watched the show? I also need to start reading the Game of Thrones series. :)


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