P90 One Week In

So, last week, my P90 program arrived in the mail. I was totally stoked to have it finally, and actually took advantage of the day and did my first workout that night. I thought I'd do a quick post to tell you all what I think about the program so far!

The program, minus the schedule.
First of all, what is P90? It's the newest Beachbody workout program from Tony Horton. I had never really worked out with Tony Horton before, except to attempt the Ab Ripper video of the original program, P90X. I was back in university at the time, and was totally and completely turned off of these workouts, because I found the video totally ridiculous, and felt that no one in the world could actually do them. So far, I really like him! He's funny and kind of scatterbrained, which I love.

When you order the program, you get a the workout DVDs, A, B, & C, plus the Saturday Special and Dynamics. You get a schedule, meal plan and a resistance band, with the attachment to hook it to your door. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit wary of hooking the band to my 100+ year old door, but so far so good, I haven't been snapped in the face.

My resistance band on the door attachment.

I chose the Sweat (Cardio Based) Schedule to go by. You can choose the Sculpt Schedule if you desire, but I feel that the cardio routine is best for me. Basically, you alternate between the Sweat and Sculpt videos, with the Saturday Special video on Saturday and a rest day on Sunday. I started on a tuesday, so I'm off by one day, but I think I might try and skip the rest day this week, so I can get on the real Mon-Fri schedule. It would work better with the Hockey schedule too. You do the A videos for 4 weeks, then move on to the Bs, and then the Cs.

As for Sweat A, I feel like I'm not being totally challenged enough. I do have a fair amount of cardio under my belt from this last year, so I tend to go pretty hard in this video. I can only burn about 200 calories, which for me, is low. I'd like to burn 300 at least, per day, but I'm sure it'll get harder as it goes on.

The Ab Ripper video I do find difficult. I have a hard time doing any ab workouts without straining my neck/back. I am working on it though, and haven't skipped it! Nor will I!

Sculpt A is really good. Probably my favourite so far, which is weird because I'm totally a cardio girl. It's work with the resistance band, and weights if you have them (Not a big deal if you don't. I don't). You're going to need a yoga mat of some kind though, it's going to be hard on the knees if you don't.

The Saturday Special was good. I like that one quite a bit too.

So far, I'm not too bored with the routines but I'm thinking that after 4 weeks, I'm never going to want to see the A videos again. We shall see.

I'm actually seeing an improvement already in my strength, which I'm super happy about. I'm having a much easier time with the half pushups, thankfully, because I have a feeling they'll be asking for full ones pretty soon.

I really do feel that this program is doable for beginners to fitness. I am hardly sore at all, and if I am, I blame hockey. Just the fact that I'm able to do the P90 workout plus go to hockey, or run, or walk in the evening is pretty awesome to me!

I should mention that I didn't lose any weight this week, but I should also say, it was thanksgiving, sooooooo cupcakes. Anyway, I'm hoping for a loss in the coming week!

I'll post more as the weeks go on! I'm excited to see where P90 will take me!


  1. Thanks for the recap. Alex got me p90x3 to do after I finish my current DVD. So in excited to start that. I have done insanity before and loved how they push you.

    1. I was thinking about what to do next, I think it'll be the full course of Turbofire or PiYo. Maybe one day I'll do P90X3! Good luck!

  2. I can finally get myself onto your blog!!!! Too exciting! :) This sounds great! When you are done with your A dvds I would live to give them a whirl! T25 is too hardcore for my back right now


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