Island Life {Weekly Recap} Fail.

I had an off week last week. Actually, it's been an off couple of weeks. I totally forgot to write a weekly recap post. Oops!

Basically I've had 2 days that I have not had to work or make cupcakes in the last 2 weeks. I feel like I'm worn down.

Wednesday it took it's toll, I woke up at 2 AM feeling super dizzy and nauseated. I ended up calling in sick and taking a bunch of gravol and sleeping until it went away. I felt better around 6-7 that night.

Fitness wise, I got two good runs in last week, and have been fairly active otherwise.

I had monday off, other than the errands that we ran. Tuesday I had to go in to the hospital to be trained on the new lab machine we got, and then took my CPR recertification after lunch. I worked thursday to sunday.

My house is a wreck. I'm behind on everything, including blogging. I hate getting that way! I'm normally pretty organized and on top of everything.

The worst part of it all, was that I totally and completely dropped the ball on the entire Father's Day thing. I plan on baking everyone cupcakes this afternoon, and attempting to get caught up on some housework. We shall see how that goes!

Walk on the beach with the dogs
They stumped everything and dug the place where our driveway will be!! :D
Sorry for the creepy face, but this photo of Harper is hilarious! 

Succulent Garden I got this week! 


  1. I love your succulent garden, it is so cute! And Harper is so funny :)

    1. Thank you! I was really happy to find it!

  2. PUPPIES!!!

    Sounds like a busy few weeks! I'm sure you'll get it all in order!


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