Week 1: Who I Am

This post is supposed to be the first week of 52 weeks of blogging with a purpose. I am late, because I just found this today, but I love it, and I'm going to do it anyway! So here it is, Week 1: Who I Am.

I am a wife, a mother, a nurse, a fighter, an intellectual, a reader, a baker, and a traveller.

Stopping Traffic!

I am a lover of my husband, my daughter, my animals, the ocean, going to new places, trying new things, the colours teal and purple, Applecheeks cloth diapers, baking cupcakes, and grape soda.

I am a Christian, but I hate condemnation.

I surprised people with what I became. People had low expectations of me, but I had high ones for myself.

I am also insecure. Especially about the way I look. Especially now, 3 and a half months postpartum.

I have no self control. If I eat one chip, I'm gonna eat them all.

I also have no discipline.

I love my family, and I wish we were closer.

I love my baby girl more than anything in the world.

My mom is the strongest person I know.

My husband is my best friend.

I am a terrible insomniac.

I love getting fluff mail!
Fluff Mail!!!

I HATE giving up on a book when I don't like it, but I can't force myself to read it anymore.

I love my island, Grand Manan.

View of Southern Head Cliffs from the air
I am many things, but above all, I am myself. :)
