If you're one if these Facebookers, I probably hid you.

Since the very beginning of Facebook, there have been people ruining it for everyone else. Thank God for that little button that says, hide posts, or something like that.

Remember way back when Facebook was just a baby? Remember all those people that posted song lyrics as their status?

Not gonna lie.

I did that. I was 17 years old. I guess I didn't know any better. No excuse I guess.

Please forgive me.

Now, there are still some of these people, but I see it less and less now days.

Also, since its birth, people have been uploading 100 pictures of themselves. I have literally opened an album that someone posted titled "trip to Halifax" and there were 200 pictures, not one of them was of Halifax. You really couldn't even be sure that they were actually there. All of the pictures were of themselves making various faces in various places.

Every. Single. One.

Wanna know what I did with this person on my Facebook? I bet you can guess.


Speaking of pictures, some people like to take 400 pictures of their kid in the exact same pose. It's totally fine to post pics of your kid, great even. I just don't know why people don't pick through the ones that are exactly the same and pick the best one, and post it!

Some people might accuse me of this.


I disagree, but like I said, whatever.

So, on to my personal favourite. The people who update their status and tell you every single thing they did that day.

Woke up super early this morning,

Had oatmeal for breakfast,

Then I went to the gym.

After the gym I had a shower,

Did my hair,

Took a dump.

Made soufflé for supper, everyone loved it!

Going to bed to read twilight again.

I love my life.


Seriously, I saw a funny pic online pretty much summing up my opinion of these people. I posted it for your viewing pleasure.

I'm glad your life is so super.

I looked at cat pictures on Pinterest all day. Beat that.

Then, we have the people who quite obviously live and breathe Facebook. They must never be away from it for more than 10 minutes before they start getting withdrawal symptoms.

You know who I mean, right?

Status updates every 5 minutes. Likes every single picture in the album you posted, then likes the album itself. Shares every single thing they find. They fill your newsfeed with crap.

Absolute crap.

Next, we have the complete Facebook morons. Those people who believe everything they see on Facebook. Like the doctor won't save this horribly disfigured baby if you don't like and share this picture. Or the thing that is so obviously a virus making its way through Facebook.

Did you know if you say orange really slow, it sounds like you're saying gullible??

One that I find extremely entertaining, is the person who is on their soapbox, obviously trying to make a point that is very near and dear to their heart. The problem is, you have misspelled everything, used no punctuation, and used Internet abbreviations like 'ur' or something similar.

I'd love to join your cause, but I can't take you seriously because you can't spell.


Also, I don't care.

With all of these idiots on Facebook, it's a wonder I spend any time on there at all.

How do I deal with it?

Make fun of them.


Who can you not stand on Facebook??


  1. "One that I find extremely entertaining, is the person who is on their soapbox, obviously trying to make a point that is very near and dear to their heart. The problem is, you have misspelled everything, used no punctuation, and used Internet abbreviations like 'ur' or something similar. I'd love to join your cause, but I can't take you seriously because you can't spell."

    Um.. have you seen Island Politics lately? I cannot take people seriously who use "2" for to/too. It is just not gonna happen!

    One of my biggest pet peeves on FB is people who type using uP aNd DoWn ~~LeTtErS* and DeC0rAtI0nz. ALSO PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN CAPS. STOP SCREAMING AT ME, PLEASE.

    Yeah. I do a lot of bitching lol


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